So many of us scrapbookers aspire to being published.
It's not so easy to get published it's all so hit and miss......
You just have to be lucky that for some reason the editor decides
they like what you have done (for a change)!!!!!!!
One Mag will say no while the other may say yes???
I just had a mag say YES! and that's the reason behind this post.
Remember this though, in the years to come you and your family
have those layouts to cherish
that's what's important!
Here's a few of my previous published layouts!

I was shortlisted for Scrapbooking Memories Masters and
this layout recieved an honourable Mention.

Hi Geraldine, Just swinging by after saying hello to you introduction thread at TCR! You have gorgeous work. i will keep my eye out for you on the Photowall!!! Lovely to visit your blog,
A lot of beautiful LO`s!!
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