Hi there, thanks for dropping by my blog. Today I have some wonderful exciting news to share.
I hate keeping secrets and I have been so wanting to to tell everyone.
SO it's now announced..... ,
The Dusty Attic 2013 Design Team.

The New team Members
Audrey Underwood - Australia
Geraldine Pasinati - Australia (ME!!!!!)
Karen Shady - Australia
Louise Collins - England
Olga Znamenskaya (Pastila) - Russia
Paloma Alves de Carvalho - Brazil
Robin Shakoor - USA
Tina Dalton - Australia
and our returning Team Members:
Belinda Spencer - Australia
Gabrielle Pollacco - Canada
Helena Johansson - Sweden
Jenny Burns - Australia
Mistra Hoolahan - Australia
Michelle Grant - Australia
Natasha Naranjo Aguirre - USA
Wow! What a wonderful group of amazing and talented ladies.
Here is a layout to share with you that I created featuring Dusty Attic.
Dusty Attic products:
Wire Dress Form Code: DA0228
Fancy Labels Code: DA0491
Also featuring Prima ~ Romance collection Papers and roses.
Till next time , see you soon. G!